South Caucasus

I was asked twice (in 2014 and 2016) to moderate and conduct a participative review process for a cultural support programme in the South Caucasus. The Programme’s aim is to support a plural, innovative and interactive cultural sector in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia as well as to stimulate exchanges and collaborative processes between and within these three countries – for example through a regional contemporary dance festival, through complaint choirs or through arts projects in disputed regions. 
I conducted research and interviews in all three countries and organised/moderated workshops reviewing the performance of the Programme as well as opportunities for the future. Each time, these workshops gathered more than a dozen representatives from the three countries.
As a result of the first review, the Programme set-up was simplified, and the reporting processes were consolidated and streamlined. The Programme was extended for another three years. The follow-up to the second review is still ongoing

The Tsalkhubo Festival (Georgia)Organised by ArtasFoundation in cooperation with the IDP Women’s Association of Tskaltubo. The Festival is part of the Programme. (Photo credit: Natela Grigalashvili)

The Tsalkhubo Festival (Georgia)
Organised by ArtasFoundation in cooperation with the IDP Women’s Association of Tskaltubo. The Festival is part of the Programme. (Photo credit: Natela Grigalashvili)